Det jag har gjort... [ Music and some additional background sounds to the film "Det jag har gjort får aldrig glömmas bort" by Erik Bovin, Chris Gardner och Jon Hildbrand. Stockholms Filmskola, 2006. I've used sounds from Unfortunately I've lost the list off sounds and creators, but a big thanks to each and everyone! ]
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Name Date Author Size DL's Rating Get
In (In) - [music] 15 Oct 2008 3.24 MB 3901 Not rated
Leta (Search) - [music] 15 Oct 2008 834.13 kB 3903 Not rated
Kär (In Love) - [music] 15 Oct 2008 2.91 MB 3815 Not rated
Brev (letter) - [music] 15 Oct 2008 3.14 MB 3813 Not rated
Ut (Out) - [music] 15 Oct 2008 3.29 MB 3622 Not rated
Stråkmatta 1 (Strings 1) - [music] 15 Oct 2008 3.11 MB 3497 Not rated
Stråkmatta 2 (Strings 2) - [music] 15 Oct 2008 3.1 MB 3422 Not rated
Kyrka ambience (Church Ambience) - [sound] 15 Oct 2008 6.05 MB 3627 Not rated
Kyrkklockor (Church Bells) - [sound] 15 Oct 2008 2.8 MB 3610 Not rated
GÃ¥ till bilen (Walk to the Car) - [sound] 15 Oct 2008 1.3 MB 3401 Not rated
Lägenhet ambience (Apartment anbience) - [sound] 15 Oct 2008 11.13 MB 3229 Not rated
39840 download(s) from 11 files

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